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The ANSA McAL Foundation donates $190,000 to boost education in Trinidad and Tobago

Mr Nabeel Hadeed, a Director of the ANSA McAL Foundation, presents Ms Jamilla Anthony of the Christ Ambassadors Programme (CAP) with her grant.

The ANSA McAL Foundation recently disbursed $190,000 to four recipients. The recipients were all educational institutions: Eshe’s Learning Centre ($100,000 in materials); CAP Foundation ($25,000); Let’s Read ($25,000); and St Joseph’s Convent, Port of Spain, Past Pupils’ Association ($20,000).

Eshe’s Learning Centre is located in Port of Spain. It is an institution focused on children with learning disabilities. It has been highly successful in teaching students who have for various reasons not been successful in the conventional primary school system. The grant of materials will be used to expand Eshe’s facilities to create a secondary school as a natural progression to its primary school programme.

The Christ Ambassadors Program (CAP) Foundation is based in Bourg Mulatresse and runs projects which provide educational materials to needy children, and sporting activities. The grant will provide supplies for 150 needy primary and secondary students to return to school.

The Let’s Read Foundation is a literacy organization whose mission is to promote literacy by providing books to primary schools. So far it has helped 28 primary schools and trained teachers in library skills. And the St Joseph’s Convent grant will go to the renovation of the school’s chemistry lab.

The ANSA McAL Foundation is the charitable arm of the ANSA McAL Group. It provides grants and funding to needy causes. It makes grants and disbursements quarterly.

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