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Incoming Directors

The Foundation Board welcomed two new directors yesterday: Business and executive coach Dr Indira Couch, and Presbyterian Minister Joy Abdul-Mohan.

Dr Couch – receiving her letter of appointment from Foundation Chairman Andrew Sabga above – runs the business coaching office ActionEDGE Trinidad & Tobago. Among her business experiences was the founding of a cottage industry in rural Jamaica that converted local produce to value-added products, employing women from the village of Content Gap. She subsequently sold the venture to a franchise, and its products are now widely available in the US, Canada and Europe.

Reverend Abdul-Mohan is former Moderator of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church, served as chaplain of both Naparima Girls and Corinth Teachers’ College, and was an Independent Senator from 2014-15. She has decades of community service, including counselling at the Halfway House for Abused Women and the Hope Centre for Abandoned Children. She currently serves on the Procurement Board, which governs the Office of Procurement Regulation (OPR).

Directors also bid farewell to Mrs Diana Mahabir-Wyatt, who stepped down after seven years of service. Mahabir-Wyatt, heavily involved in NGOs and CBOs dedicated to women’s and children’s rights, was lauded by fellow directors for “a tremendous legacy of selfless service”. Above, Chairman Andrew Sabga presents Mrs Mahabir-Wyatt with a token of appreciation.

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