With heartfelt dedication, the ANSA McAL Foundation works tirelessly to uplift lives, share wisdom, and nurture a compassionate Trinidad and Tobago.

Our Mission, Vision & Goals

The ANSA McAL Foundation shall undertake to relieve poverty, suffering and distress, promote and encourage the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge, and support religious ventures to promote a fair and equitable society in Trinidad and Tobago.

Our vision is to help people to help themselves and to promote Caribbean excellence, through the   Anthony N. Sabga Awards, Caribbean Excellence.

Our goal is to empower individuals in Trinidad and Tobago through education and support, while championing Caribbean excellence by promoting a compassionate, fair, and knowledge-driven culture.

Our chairman, founding members, and secretary unite for Trinidad and Tobago’s betterment, passionately driving the ANSA McAL Foundation’s vision to empower individuals and champion Caribbean excellence.


Mr. Andrew N. Sabga, Chairman
Mr. Garth Chatoor
Mrs. Sharon Christopher, CMT
Dr. Terrence Farrell
Mr. Nabeel A. Hadeed
Ms. Amanda Jardine
Ms. Diana Mahabir Wyatt
Fr. Ronald Mendes, CSSp
Mr. A. Nigel Sabga


Ms. Maria Superville-Neilson

The ANSA McAL Foundation holds a proud legacy of driving progress and fostering positive change throughout Trinidad and Tobago.

In 1981, the McAL Foundation was formed to assist charitable causes.

In 1986, the ANSA Foundation was formed to assist charitable causes.

In 1993, the ANSA McAL Foundation emerged from the union of the McAL Foundation and the ANSA Foundation, uniting their strengths to empower individuals and promote Caribbean excellence. Through this merger, the foundation has reinforced its commitment to fostering positive change and nurturing a knowledge-driven, compassionate society in Trinidad and Tobago.

The ANSA McAL Foundation is the philanthropic arm of the ANSA McAL Group. It is an autonomous body, substantially funded by the Group. All assistance, however, is funded by the Foundation’s own investments.

Demonstrating unwavering commitment to community well-being, the Foundation has significantly contributed to a diverse range of initiatives, including educational, healthcare, and cultural programs.

Notable Achievements

Establishing the ANSA McAL Psychological Research Centre at UWI, St. Augustine

The sod was turned for the construction of the ANSA McAL Psychological Research Centre at UWI, St Augustine on January 6, 1989.

Foundation Chairman, Mr. Andrew N. Sabga, with the Centre’s Director, Professor Derek Chadee, in 2023.

Benefactor of the ANSA McAL wing of The Diagnostic, Research, Education Centre for the Hearing Impaired (DRETCHI) for the Trinidad and Tobago Association for the Deaf

Contributing to the betterment of hearing-impaired individuals through the ANSA McAL wing of The Diagnostic, Research, Education Centre (DRETCHI) for the Trinidad and Tobago Association for the Deaf.

Significant support for The Princess Elizabeth Home for Handicapped Children and SERVOL

By significantly supporting The Princess Elizabeth Home for Handicapped Children and SERVOL, the foundation demonstrates their dedication to uplifting differently-abled children and fostering community-driven volunteer services in Trinidad and Tobago.

The Jaya Lakshmi Children’s Home

By aiding The Jaya Lakshmi Children’s Home, the foundation demonstrates its commitment to nurturing and uplifting vulnerable children, fostering hope for a brighter future in Trinidad and Tobago.

Junior Achievement of Trinidad and Tobago

The foundation’s support for Junior Achievement of Trinidad and Tobago exemplifies it’s commitment to empowering youth through entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and educational opportunities.

A major contributor to the Tobago Secondary Schools’ Drama Festival

By contributing significantly to the Tobago Secondary Schools’ Drama Festival, the foundation showcases its dedication to nurturing creativity and supporting cultural enrichment for young people.

The Living Water Community Food Assistance Relief (FAR) Project

The foundation’s support highlights their dedication to addressing food insecurity and fostering well-being among the people of Trinidad and Tobago.

The Blood Bank and Trinidad and Tobago Cancer Society

Dedicated to enhancing healthcare, the foundation offers unwavering support for The Blood Bank and Trinidad and Tobago Cancer Society, uplifting lives and making a positive impact in the community.

A founding member of the UWI – Institute of Business

As a founding member of the UWI – Institute of Business, the ANSA McAL Foundation’s support has helped shape future leaders and innovators, contributing to the growth and development of the Caribbean region.

Donation of internet devices to Nelson Street Boys’ RC

In a heartwarming display of generosity, the ANSA McAL Foundation donated MiFi devices to students at Nelson Street Boys’ RC School, helping address internet connectivity challenges for their online learning.